5 Ways To Find Inspiration For New Costume Designs
Do you get creative blocks when designing costumes? We have got you covered. Here’s five tips on where to find your next costume design inspiration.
The ballroom dance world is filled with lots of inspiration. Search Youtube videos, social media accounts and images online to find designs. A ballroom design can be re-configured to fit the needs of the twirling world.
Figure skating has inspired more than just the camel turn, sit jumps and other key twirling moves…their world of costumes can create unique designs for any twirling event. Looking to combine multiple designs into one? That’s the beauty of the Emma Faye Elite Custom design option. With a little collaboration, we can help you create your custom design with help from some figure skating inspiration.
Do you ever find yourself shopping in a retail store and think, “That would make a great costume?” Department stores, fashion magazines and social media influencers can inspire your next twirling costume! Keep an eye out during Homecoming and Prom season as well! Bodices of dress designs can inspire incredible twirling couture to take your costume to the next level.
Swimsuit season isn’t just for the summer! These designs can inspire a custom look for your next twirling design.
The world is in the palm of our hands…seriously. Our phones keep us updated on the latest news, connected with friends and family and inspires our minds through the use of social media. Use social media to your advantage. Apps such as Instagram, Pintrest, TikTok etc. are filled with costume inspiration from a variety of similar sports’ athletes.